Selnoviktech goes to Web3

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is SelnovikTech ?

SelnovikTech is a startup from Indonesia, founded on March 24 2021, which operates in the media & entertainment sector. especially discussing science, technology and other interesting content

Who are the founders of SelnovikTech ?

Berlian Selnovik as Founder of SelnovikTech, Galuh Prasetya S.kom as Co-founder, Muhamad Teguh as Co-founder, & Arga Amanda Zain S.T as Co-founder

What is the Vision & Mission of SelnovikTech ?

SelnovikTech’s Vision & Mission is to always innovate in various sectors, be creative in various sectors and have sustainable goals.

Currently, what prototype is being built by SelnovikTech ?

Currently SelnovikTech is building a Web3 based media & entertainment website portal.

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